We are in the process of supplementing this separate section of the Department’s website devoted to its history. Earlier overviews already exist and are included in this section. One, written by Dick Simpson and Guy Johnson, takes us to the mid-’70. A second was prepared by Everett Wilson for the Department’s 75th anniversary in 1996. It relied heavily on a paper prepared the year before by Glen Elder. (This also appears below.)
The period since 1996 does not yet have a written overview for this History site, but the invitation is hereby extended for a contribution. It would be nice to have this included well before the Department’s 100th anniversary in 2020.
For now, the remainder of the History website supplement is reserved for (a) reminiscences by former chairs, former and present faculty, and former graduate and undergraduate students; (b) obituaries; and (c) a statistical summary of the Department over time. Contributions to the reminiscences and obituary sections should be submitted to Richard Cramer, c/o Department of Sociology, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599.