Areas of Interest:
Care work; Critical theory; Community-engaged research; Qualitative methods; Arts-based methods; Work, Occupations, and Labor; Political Sociology & Sociology of the StateEducation
B.A. Sociology & Anthropology, Swarthmore College, 2017
Recent Publications
- Ravenelle, A.J., Janko, E., & Kowalski, K.C. (2022). “Good Jobs, Scam Jobs: Detecting, Normalizing, and Internalizing Online Job Scams During the Covid-19 Pandemic,” New Media & Society. 24 (7), 1591-1610. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448221099223
- Andrews, K., Janko, E., & Vo, A. (2022). “The Macro-Level Effects of Political Participation,” Pp. 781-796 in The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation, edited by Marco Giugni and Maria Grasso. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Ravenelle, A.J., Kowalski, K.C, & Janko, E. (2021). “The Side Hustle Safety Net: Precarious Workers and Gig Work During COVID-19.” Sociological Perspectives. 64(5), 898-919 https://doi.org/10.1177/07311214211005489
- Ravenelle, A.J., Janko, E., & Kowalski, K.C. (2021). “Gigging with an MBA: Elite Entrepreneurship in the Gig Economy.” Digital Entrepreneurship and the Sharing Economy. Routledge.
Office: 168 Hamilton Hall (soon to be Pauli Murray Hall)