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Areas of Interest:

Demography, Migration, Advanced Quantitative Methods


B.A. Cultural Anthropology, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, 2009

Recent Publications

Touma, Fatima and Howard Aldrich. 2023. “Forty Years of Reflection, Sixty Years of Solitude: Promising Early Pedagogical Initiatives in Social Forces that were Unsustainable.” Social Forces 101(3).

Touma, Fatima, and Robert A. Hummer. 2022. “Race/Ethnicity, Immigrant Generation, and Physiological Dysregulation among U.S. Adults Entering Midlife.” Social Science & Medicine 314:115423. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115423. PMID: 36283331


Office: 218 Hamilton Hall (soon to be Pauli Murray Hall)
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