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UNC at Chapel Hill currently works with a two-tier advising system. First, students have departmental advisers from whom they receive assistance in selecting courses to satisfy their major requirements. In addition, students are assigned to an advising team in the Academic Advising Programs in the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences (Steele Building). You should meet with one of these advisers in the Steele Building at least once a year to make sure you are on track to graduate.

If you entered UNC-CH before the 2009-2010 academic year, and you are trying to decide what classes to register for, take a look at the academic worksheet for your major. This will give you a good idea of what you have yet to take to fulfill major requirements. If you started at UNC-CH during the 2009-2010 academic year or later, check out the Tarheel Tracker program in Connect Carolina. The Tarheel Tracker gives you personally customized information on what GC, AS, and management and society requirements you have and have not fulfilled, how transfer credits count toward requirements, etc. Both the worksheet and Tarheel Tracker are great tools to use before your advising session.

Management & Society Advisor

For questions regarding the Management and Society curriculum and requirements, contact the department’s Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies:

Rene Iwo
214 Hamilton Hall

Academic Advising Program

The Academic Advising Program is located in the Steele Building on main campus. All Management and Society majors are assigned to the Social and Behavioral Sciences division which is conveniently located on the first floor.

For questions regarding the General College and Arts & Sciences Perspective Courses, university requirements for graduation, and interpretation of university rules and regulations (such as eligibility criteria), contact the one of the Social and Behavioral Science Advisors:

Barbara Lucido – Assistant Dean
1002 Steele Building

Carolyn Covalt – Senior Advisor
1005 Steele Building

Melissa Edwards – Advisor
1017B Steele Building

George Maitland – Advisor
1003 Steele Building

Rachael Murphey-Brown – Advisor
1008 Steele Building

Chloe Russell – Advisor
1005 Steele Building

Dennis Soberl – Advisor
1007 Steele Building

Linwood Webster – Advisor
1017C Steele Building


Click here for Arts & Sciences Advising Schedule.