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Areas of Interest:

Health and Illness/Medical Sociology, Demography, Work, Occupations and Labor Market


BSA Biochemistry, Minor in Sociology, University of Texas 2020

Recent Publications

  • Cavanagh, Shannon, Athena Owirodu, and Lindsay Bing. Forthcoming. “Mothering while Sick: Poor Maternal Health and the Educational Attainment of Young Adults.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

Recent Conference Presentations

  • Owirodu, Athena. 2024. “Uncovering Health Disparities Across Generation Status: The Role of Wealth Among the U.S. Black Diaspora” Presentation at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Colombus, OH, in April.
  • Cavanagh, Shannon, Athena Owirodu, and Lindsay Bing. 2023. “Mothering while Sick: Poor Maternal Health and the Educational Attainment of Young Adults.” Presentation at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, New Orleans, LA in April.


Office: 252 Hamilton Hall (soon to be Pauli Murray Hall)
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