Diversity in Sociology
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Sociology
The Department of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill welcomes all students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
We affirm the University’s core values encouraging diversity and equal educational and employment opportunities throughout our community. We denounce racism and other forms of hateful and discriminatory behavior regarding culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, and ability. We encourage diversity of all kinds and foster inclusion in the service of opportunity, education, and discovery for all. An inclusive environment for a diverse set of backgrounds, perspectives, identities, and beliefs is essential for outstanding social science, productive debate, and respectful intellectual engagement. Our views reflect University policy as indicated in the UNC Non-Discrimination Policy and the policy of Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs.
Within the department, we have a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee consisting of three faculty members and two graduate students who are committed to fostering a welcoming, supportive, and equitable environment to ensure professional growth, well-being, and success for all students, faculty, and staff. The committee spearheads action that will grow the diversity of our department; advocates for equity in hiring and promotion, admissions, research, teaching, and service activities; and promotes an inclusive climate within the department. The committee also serves as a point of contact for concerns or questions about department diversity, equity, and inclusion. You can reach the committee at UNCsociologyDEIcommittee@unc.edu.
The Department of Sociology aspires to be leaders in diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts on campus and in our discipline, and we recognize that there remains much work to be done.
A website outlining the mission, resources available, and news from UNC-CH’s Office for Diversity and Inclusion
A website describing ongoing activities, resources available, and personnel involved in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in UNC-CH’s College of Arts and Sciences
A site providing links to resources for recruitment and search committees, university equal opportunity policies, and other resources
Information on The Initiative for Minority Excellence (IME), which focuses on the retention and successful graduation of racially/ethnically diverse graduate students
Description of and resources from Carolina Grad Student F1RSTS, a program for first-generation graduate students
Information about The Global Grads initiative, which provides numerous opportunities and resources, in conjunction with many campus partners, for international graduate students
Description of DEI resources available through the American Sociological Association (ASA)