Graduate Student Publications
The Department of Sociology is pleased to feature the works and publications of our graduate students. Below are current publications from our graduate students. If you would like to contact the author for more information, please see the current graduate student profiles for contact information. For information on showcasing your publication, please contact the Graduate Student Services Manager.
- Alatas, S.I. (2023). Compatibility despite Controversy: Sunni-Shia Marriages within the Singapore Muslim Community. Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia. Special Issue on Asian Families: Networks, practices, and inequalities.
- Alatas, S. I. (2023) “Malaysian Muslimah Activists’ Modes of Thought: Rereading Islamic and Alternative Sources of Knowledge.” Journal of Malaysian Studies (Kajian Malaysia)
- Alatas, Syed Imad. (2022). What It Means to be a Muslimah: The Religious Orientations of Female Muslim Activists in Malaysia. Petaling Jaya, Malaysia: Gerakbudaya Enterprise. (A Chapter of This Book Previously Appeared as Malaysian Muslimah Activists’ Modes of Thought: Rereading Islamic and Alternative Sources of Knowledge in Journal of Malaysian Studies.)
- Cain-Shields, Loretta, Md Abu Yusuf Ansari, DeAngelis, Reed, LaShaunta Glover, and Mario Sims. (Forthcoming). “Goal-Striving Stress and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the Jackson Heart Study.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
- DeAngelis, Reed. (Forthcoming). “Childrearing and the Health of Working-Age Parents: A Biopsychosocial Perspective.” Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methodologies: A Dynamic Approach, edited by Kari Adamsons, April Few-Demo, Christine Proulx, and Kevin Roy. Switzerland: Springer Nature.
- Dromgold-Sermen, Michelle S. 2022. “Forced Migrants and Secure Belonging: A Case Study of Syrian Refugees Resettled in the United States.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(3):635–54. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1854087.
- Furl, Katherine. “Denigrating Women, Venerating “Chad”: In-Group and Out-Group Evaluations among Male Supremacists on Reddit.” Accepted to Social Psychology Quarterly.
- Nelson, Micah H. 2022. “Resentment Is Like Drinking Poison? The Heterogeneous Health Effects of Affective Polarization.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior. Online First. DOI:
- Zhang, Tianhao. (Forthcoming). “Accounting for Discrimination through Categorization Work: An Examination of the Target-of-discrimination Group Members’ Practices.” Discourse & Society 33(2).
– 2021 –
- Bollen, Kenneth A., and Iliya Gutin. 2021. “Trajectories of Subjective Health: Testing Longitudinal Models of Self-Rated Health.” Accepted to Demography.
- Bollen, Kenneth A., Zachary Fisher, Michael Giordano, Adam G. Lilly, Lan Luo, and Ai Ye. 2021. “An Introduction to Model Implied Instrumental Variables using Two-Stage Least Squares (MIIV-2SLS) in Structural Equation Models (SEMs).” Accepted to Psychological Methods.
- DeAngelis, Reed, Gabriel A. Acevedo, Brandon Vaidyanathan, and Christopher G. Ellison. 2021. “Coping with an Evil World: Contextualizing the Stress-Buffering Role of Scripture Reading.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 60(3):645-52
- DeAngelis, Reed T. 2021. “Moving on Up? Neighborhood Status and Racism-Related Distress among Black Americans.” Social Forces. Online first. DOI:
- DeAngelis, Reed. 2021. “Systemic Racism in Police Killings: New Evidence from the Mapping Police Violence Database, 2013-2021.” Race and Justice. Online first
- Dennis, Alexis C., Esther O. Chung, Evans K. Lodge, Rae Anne Martinez, and Rachel E. Wilbur. (in press) “Looking Back to Leap Forward: A Framework for Operationalizing the Structural Racism Construct in Minority Health Research.” Ethnicity & Disease.
- Dennis, Alexis C., (in press) “Those Left Behind: Socioeconomic Predictors and Social Mediators of Psychological Distress among Working-aged African Americans in a Post-industrial City.” Du Bois Review.
- Gutin, Iliya and Robert A. Hummer. 2021. “Social Inequality and the Future of Life Expectancy in the U.S.” Forthcoming at Annual Review of Sociology, Volume 47.
- Hargrove, Taylor W., Lauren Gaydosh, and Alexis C. Dennis. 2021. “Contextualizing Educational Disparities in Health: Variations by Race/Ethnicity, Nativity, and County-Level Characteristics.” Demography 9664206. doi: 10.1215/00703370-9664206.
- Labovitz, Emma R. 2021. “Dreamers vs. Immigrants: Impact of framing on Dreamers and Irregular Migrants.” OXMO 10:126-133.
- Martínez-Schuldt, Ricardo D. and Jacqueline Maria Hagan. 2021. Forthcoming. “Abusing Immigrants: An Analysis of Immigrant Enforcement and Mexican Migrant Claims of Human Rights Violations by U.S. State Agents.” Human Rights Quarterly.
- Martínez-Schuldt, Ricardo D. and Daniel E. Martínez. Forthcoming. 2021. “Immigrant Sanctuary Policies and Crime Reporting Behavior: A Multilevel Analysis of Reports of Crime Victimization to Law Enforcement, 1980-2004.” American Sociological Review.
- Parikh, Shreya. 2021. “The Limits of Confronting Racial Discrimination in Tunisia with Law 50.” MERIP Middle East Report. 299 (Summer)
- Price, Meghan, Jessica C. Goodwin, Rafael De la Garza Ramos, César Baëta, Tara Dalton, Edwin McCray, Reza Yassari, Isaac Karikari, Muhammad Abd-El-Barr, Andrea N. Goodwin, and C. Rory Goodwin. 2021. “Gender Disparities in Clinical Presentation, Treatment, and Outcomes in Metastatic Spine Disease.” Cancer Epidemiology, (70):1-7.
- Ravenelle, A.J., Janko, E.C. Kowalski, K.C, 2021. “Gigging with an MBA: Elite Entrepreneurship in the Gig Economy.” Digital Entrepreneurship and the Sharing Economy. Routledge.
- Ravenelle, A.J., Janko, E.C. Kowalski, K.C. 2021.”Good Jobs, Scam Jobs: Detecting, Normalizing, and Internalizing Online Job Scams During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” New Media & Society: Special Issue on Scams, Frauds, and Fakes.
- Ravenelle, A.J., Kowalski, K.C, Janko, E.C. (forthcoming). The Side Hustle Safety Net: Precarious Workers and Gig Work During COVID-19. Sociological Perspectives: Special Issue on Covid & Society.
- Richardson, Liana J., Kelly L. Strutz, and Andrea N. Goodwin. 2021. “A Life Course Perspective on Maternal and Child Health and Health Inequities.” In Maternal and Child Health: Programs, Problems, and Policy in Public Health, 4th. Ed., edited by Sarah Verbiest and Russell Kirby. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishing.
- Richardson, Liana J., Andrea N. Goodwin, and Robert A. Hummer. 2021. “Social Status Differences in Allostatic Load among Young Adults in the United States.” Social Science & Medicine-Population Health.
- Senter, Elizabeth, Hannah Vrooman, and Kaitlin Shartle. 2021. “Role of Income-Lifting Social Programs in Reducing Years of Life Lost to Myocardial Infarction and Sudden Death.” JAMA Cardiology. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2021.5127.
- Shartle, Kaitlin. 2021. “Do High School Friends Still Matter for Health Behavior in Adulthood? Variations in Smoking Trajectories by Adolescent Peer Smoking Networks, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender.” SSM – Population Health 16:100925. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2021.100925.
- Wassink, Joshua Thomas, and Viera, Janelle Ashley. 2021. Forthcoming. “Does Parental Migration During Childhood Affect Children’s Lifetime Educational Attainment? Evidence from Mexico.” Demography.
- Zhao, Rong and Lilly, Adam G. 2021. “The Role of State Mobilization for Volunteerism in China.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. (
– 2020 –
- Alatas, Syed Imad. (2020). Islamic Attitudes towards Israel and Jews: A Comparison of Malaysia and Indonesia. Asia Pacific Social Science Review 20(3): 153-162.
- Andrews, Kenneth, Neal Caren, and Todd Lu. 2020. “Racial, ethnic, and immigration protest during year one of the Trump presidency.” in Racialized Resistance and the State: Protest and Repression in a Divided U.S., edited by Hank Johnston and Pamela Oliver. London: Routledge.
- Cabello-Hutt, Tania. 2020. “Changes in Work and Care Trajectories During the Transition to Motherhood.” Social Science Research, 90:102439.
- Caren, Neal, Kenneth Andrews, and Todd Lu. 2020. “Contemporary Social Movements in a Hybrid Media Environment.” Annual Review of Sociology.
- Chung, E., Hagaman, A., LeMasters, K., Andrabi, N., Baranov, V., Bates, L., Gallis, J., O’Donnell, K., Rahman, A., Sikander, S., Turner, L., & Maselko, J. 2020. “The impact of grandmother involvement on child growth and development in rural Pakistan.” BMJ Global Health.
- DeAngelis, Reed T. 2020. “Striving While Black: Race and the Psychophysiology of Goal Pursuit.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 61(1):24-42.
- Dollar, Nathan T., Iliya Gutin, Elizabeth Lawrence, David Braudt, Samuel Fishman, Richard Rogers, Robert Hummer. 2020. “The Persistent Southern Disadvantage in U.S. Early Life Mortality, 1965-2014.” Demographic Research.
- Dromgold-Sermen, Michelle S. 2020. “Farklılıkları Yönetme Kültürü: Göç Yönetimi Alanı ve Türkiye’ye Göç Eden Suriyeliler “(A Culture of Managing Difference: The Field of Migration Management and Syrian Movers to Turkey). Ankara: Middle East Technical University Press.
- Fernández-Rhodes, L., Young, K. L., Lilly, A. G., Raffield, L. M., Highland, H. M., Wojcik, G. L., Agler, C., Love, S.-A. M., Okello, S., Petty, L. E., Graff, M., Below, J. E., Divaris, K., & North, K. E. 2020. “Importance of Genetic Studies of Cardiometabolic Disease in Diverse Populations.” Circulation Research, 126(12), 1816-1840.
- Gilliland, Claire Chipman. 2020. “Investigating Religion and Inequality through Women’s Work-Family Pathways.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 59(3):417–38.
- Gutin, Iliya. 2020. “Educational Differences in Mortality Associated with Central Obesity: Decomposing the Contribution of Risk and Prevalence.” Social Science Research, 90, 102445.
- Gutin, Iliya and Robert A Hummer. 2020. “Occupation, employment status, and ‘despair’-associated mortality risk among working-aged US adults, 1997–2015.” Preventive Medicine, 137, 106129.
- Hagaman, A., Baranov, V., Chung, E., LeMasters, K., Andrabi, N., Bates, L., Rahman, A., Sikander, S., Turner, L., & Maselko, J. 2020. “Association of maternal and home adversities with infant hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis biomarkers at one year: An analysis from children in rural Pakistan.” Journal of Affective Disorders.
- Hagan, Jacqueline, and Joshua Wassink. 2020. “Return Migration around the World: An Integrated Agenda for Future Research.” Annual Review of Sociology, 46.
- Kaitlyn Atkins, Bryan M. Dougan, Michelle S. Dromgold-Sermen, Hannah Potter, Viji Sathy, and A.T. Panter. 2020. “Looking at Myself in the Future: How Mentoring Shapes Scientific Identity for URM STEM Students.” International Journal of STEM Education, 7(42).
- Krull, L.M., 2020. “Liberal Churches and Social Justice Movements: Analyzing the Limits of Inclusivity.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 59(1), 84-100.
- Krull, Laura, Lisa D. Pearce, and Elyse Jennings. 2020. “How Religion, Social Class, and Race Intersect in the Shaping of Young Women’s Understandings of Sex, Reproduction, and Contraception,” Religions, 12(5):1-26.
- LeMasters, K., Andrabi, N., Zalla, L., Hagaman, A., Chung, E., Gallis, J., Turner, L., Bhalotra, S., Sikander, S., & Maselko, J. 2020. “Maternal depression in rural Pakistan: The protective associations with cultural postpartum practices.” BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1-12.
- Lin, Meng-Jung. 2020. “The Social and Genetic Inheritance of Educational Attainment: Genes, Parental Education, and Educational Expansion.” Social Science Research, 86:102387.
- Martínez-Schuldt, Ricardo D. 2020. “Mexican consular protection services across the United States: How local, social, economic, and political conditions structure the socio-legal support of emigrants.” International Migration Review.
- Pearce, Lisa and Claire C. Gilliland. 2020. Religion in America. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
- Wassink, Joshua and Hagan, Jacqueline. 2020. “How Local Community Context Shapes Labor Market Re-Entry and Resource Mobilization among Return Migrants: An Examination of Rural and Urban Communities in Mexico.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. April.
- Weisshaar, Katherine and Cabello-Hutt, Tania. 2020. “Labor Force Participation Over the Life Course: The Long- Term Effects of Employment Trajectories on Wages and the Gendered Payoff to Employment.” Demography.
- Hagan, Jacqueline, and Wassink, Joshua. 2020. “Return Migration around the World: An Integrated Agenda for Future Research.” Annual Review of Sociology, 46:1-20.
- Yang, Claire, Kristen Schorpp, Courtney Boen, Moira Johnson, and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2020. “Socioeconomic Status and Biological Risks for Health and Illness Across the Life Course.” The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 75, no. 3: 613-624.
– 2019 –
- Al-Turk, Akram and Howard E. Aldrich. 2019. “Revisiting ‘Traits to Rates’ After 25 Years: Organizational Ecology’s Limited Impact on Entrepreneurship Research.” Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence, and Growth, 21: 99-114.
- Davenport, Erin. 2019. “How installation art can reclaim space, transform collective suffering into poetic resistance, and bring aesthetics to disabled viewers.” Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism.
- Davenport, Erin. 2019. “Ugly.” Disability Experiences.
- Dollar, Nathan T. 2019. “Precarious Incorporation: The Role of Work in Migrant Health and Longevity.” Advances in Medical Sociology, Volume 19: Immigration and Health.
- DeAngelis, Reed T., Irene Escobar, Andrea L. Ruiz, and Gabriel A. Acevedo. 2019. “Sleep Quality among College Students: Exploring the Role of a Divine Locus of Sleep Control.” Sleep Health, 5(6): 592-597.
- DeAngelis, Reed T., and John Taylor. 2019. “Parental Status and Biological Functioning: Findings from the Nashville Stress and Health Study.” Population Research and Policy Review.
- DeAngelis, Reed T., John P. Bartkowski, and Xiaohe Xu. 2019. “Scriptural Coping: An Empirical Test of Hermeneutic Theory.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 58(1): 174-191.
- Ellison, Christopher G., Reed T. DeAngelis, Terrence D. Hill, Paul Froese. 2019. “Sleep Quality and the Stress-Buffering Role of Religious Involvement: A Mediated Moderation Analysis.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 58(1): 251-268
- Franco, Julian and Davenport, Erin. 2019. “A Smell of Burning.” Disability Experiences
- Fishman, Samuel H. 2019. “Do Plans Really Matter?: Re-Assessing the Role of Adolescent Expectations in Educational Attainment.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.
- Gillis, Alanna. 2019. “Reconceptualizing Participation Grading as Skill Building.” Teaching Sociology, 47(1): 10-21.
- Gillis, Alanna. 2019. “Identity Exploration or Labor Market Reaction: Social Class Differences in College Student Participation in Peace Corps, Teach for America, and Other Service Programs.” Qualitative Sociology, 42(4): 615-638.
- Gillis, Alanna, and Laura M. Krull. 2019. “‘I was there for the free food’: Accidental Religious and Cultural Conversions in College.” Sociological Forum, 34(4): 950-973.
- Gillis, Alanna, and Brionca Taylor. 2019. “Social Networks and Labor Market Inequality: A Role-Playing Activity to Teach Difficult Concepts.” Teaching Sociology, 47(2): 148-156.
- Hagan, Jacqueline, Joshua Wassink, and Brianna Castro. 2019. “A Longitudinal Analysis of Resource Mobilization among Forced and Voluntary Return Migrants in Mexico.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45 (1): 170-189.
- Hagan, Jacqueline, and Joshua Wassink. 2019. “The Effect of U.S. Migration on Social Mobility in Mexico.” Current History.
- Hagan, Jacqueline and Holly Straut-Eppsteiner. 2019. “Religion on the Move: The Place of Religion in Different Stages of the Migration Experience” The Routledge International Handbook of Migration Studies, 2nd ed., edited by Steven J. Gold and Stephanie J. Nawyn.
- Hayward, George M. 2019. “Religiosity and Premarital Sexual Behaviors among Adolescents: An Analysis of Functional Form.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 58(2):439-58.
- Herd, Pamela, Jeremy Freese, Kamil Sicinski, Benjamin W. Domingue, Kathleen Mullan Harris, Caiping Wei, and Robert M. Hauser. 2019. “Genes, Gender Inequality, and Educational Attainment.” American Sociological Review, 84 (6): 1069-1098.
- Kurzman, Charles, Willa Dong, Brandon Gorman, Karam Hwang, Renee Ryberg, and Batool Zaidi. 2019. “Women’s Assessments of Gender Equality.” Socius
- Lee, Bo Hyeong J. and Lisa D. Pearce. 2019. “Understanding Why Religious Involvement’s Relationship with Education Varies by Social Class,” Journal of Research on Adolescence, 29(2):369-389.
- Martínez-Schuldt, Ricardo D. and Daniel E. Martínez. 2019. “Sanctuary Policies and City-Level Incidents of Violence, 1990 to 2010.” Justice Quarterly, 36(4): 567-593.
- Perrin, Andrew J., and Alanna Gillis. 2019. “How College Makes Citizens: Independent Effects of Higher Education on Political Engagement.” Socius, 5: 1-16.
- Schultz, Michael A. 2019. “The Wage Mobility of Low-Wage Workers in a Changing Economy, 1968-2014.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, (5)4: 159-189.
- Tierney, Katherine I. 2019. “Abortion Underreporting in Add Health: Findings and Implications.” Population Research and Policy Review.
- Tierney, Katherine, and Yong Cai. 2019. “Assisted Reproductive Technology Use in the United States: A Population Assessment.” Fertility and Sterility.
– 2018 –
- Aldrich, Howard E., and Akram Al-Turk. 2018. “Crouching Authors, Hidden Pitfalls: Collaboration in Research.” Studi di Sociologia, 4: 351-368.
- Andrews, Kenneth T., and Jowers, Kay. 2018. “Lawyers and Embedded Legal Activity in the Southern Civil Rights Movement.” Law & Policy, 40(1): 10-32.
- Braudt, David. 2018. “Sociogenomics in the 21st century: An introduction to the history and potential of genetically informed social science.” Sociology Compass.
- Braudt, David. 2018. “Cultural Antecedents to Community: An Evaluation of Community Experience in the United States, Thailand, and Vietnam.” City & Community, 17(2): 485-503.
- Braudt, David and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2018. “Polygenic Scores (PGSs) in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health” (Add Health) –Release 1.
- DeAngelis, Reed T., and Christopher G. Ellison. 2018. “Aspiration Strain and Mental Health: The Education-Contingent Role of Religion.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 57(2): 341- 364.
- Hill, Terrence D., Reed T. DeAngelis, and Christopher G. Ellison. 2018. “Religious Involvement as a Social Determinant of Sleep: An Initial Review and Conceptual Model.” Sleep Health, 4(4): 325-330.
- Fishman, Sam, Philip Morgan, and Robert Hummer. 2018. “Smoking and Variation in the Hispanic Paradox: A Comparison of Low Birthweight Across 33 US States.” Population Research and Policy Review, 37(5): 795-824.
- Fishman, Sam, and Min, Stella. 2018. “Maternal Age and Offspring’s Educational Attainment.”
- Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(4): 853-870.
- Gutin, Iliya. 2018. “Essential(ist) medicine: promoting social explanations for racial variation in biomedical research.” Medical Humanities.
- Joshua Wassink and Jacqueline Hagan. 2018. “A Dynamic Model of Self-Employment and Socioeconomic Mobility among Return Migrants: The Case of Urban Mexico.” Social Forces, 96 (3): 1069–1096.
- Hummer, R. A., & Gutin, Iliya. 2018. “Racial/Ethnic and Nativity Disparities in the Health of Older US Men and Women.” Future Directions for the Demography of Aging: Proceedings of a Workshop. National Academies Press.
- Hagan, Jacqueline, Ricardo Martinez-Schuldt, Alyssa Peavey, and Deborah M. Weissman. 2018. “Family Matters: Claiming Rights across the US-Mexico Migratory System.” Journal on Migration and Human Security, 1-14.
- Gutin, Iliya. 2018. “‘In BMI we trust’ reframing the body mass index as a measure of health.” Social Theory & Health, 16(3): 256-271.
- Leventhal, A.M., Cho, J., Andrabi, N., & Barrington-Trimis, J. 2018. “Concern About Increasing Discrimination in Society and Behavioral Health Amongst Adolescents, 2016-2017.” JAMA Pediatrics.
- Lee Bo Hyeong Jane, Kristen Schorpp, and Lisa Pearce. 2018. “Religious Pathways from Adolescence to Adulthood.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
- Martínez, Daniel E., Ricardo D. Martínez-Schuldt, and Guillermo Cantor. 2018. “Providing Sanctuary or Fostering Crime? A Review of the Research on ‘Sanctuary Cities’ and Crime.” Sociology Compass, 12(1): 1-13.
- Martínez, Daniel E., Jeremy Slack, and Ricardo D. Martínez-Schuldt. 2018. “Repeat Migration in the Age of the Unauthorized Permanent Resident: A Quantitative Assessment of Migration Intentions Post-Deportation” in International Migration Review.
- Martínez Echagüe, María Inés. 2018. “Feminismo y deseo.” Inicio, 8(21).
- Pearce, Lisa D., George M. Hayward, Laurie Chassin, and Patrick J. Curran. 2018. “The Increasing Diversity and Complexity of Family Structures for Adolescents.” Journal of Research on Adolescence.
- Rigby, David and Charles Seguin. 2018. “The Racial Position of European Immigrants 1883–1941: Evidence from Lynching in the Midwest.” Social Currents, 5(5): 438-457.
- Temkin, D. A., Princiotta, D., Ryberg, R., & Lewin, D. 2018. “Later start, longer sleep: Implications of middle school start times.” Journal of School Health.
- Rybińska, Anna, and S. Philip Morgan. 2018. “Childless Expectations and Childlessness Over the Life Course.” Social Forces.
- Viera, Janelle Ashley. 2018. “Intergenerational Mobility Among Return Migrants and Their Families: A Case Study in Mexico.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
- Wassink, Joshua T. 2018. “Uninsured migrants: Health insurance coverage and access to care among Mexican return migrants.” Demographic Research, 38(17): 401-428.
- Wassink, Joshua T., and Jacqueline Hagan. 2018. “A Dynamic Model of Self-Employment and Socioeconomic Mobility Among Return Migrants: The Case of Urban Mexico.” Social Forces, 1-28.
- Weissman, Deborah M., Jacqueline Hagan, Ricardo Martinez-Schuldt, and Alyssa Peavey. 2018. “The Politics of Immigrant Rights: Between Geography and Transnational Interventions,” Michigan State Law Review.