Additional information
Admissions Instructions
If you have not been to the graduate school’s web site, please click on the link above for instructions for the graduate school admissions process.
Graduate Catalog
The Graduate Catalog is another good source of information. You should read the “Admissions and Financial Information” section for the most up-to-date information.
Graduate School Handbook
The Graduate School Handbook contains most of the policies and procedures of the Graduate School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Students should become familiar with the material pertaining to their degree programs, and, together with their faculty advisors, make certain that the chosen program of study complies with all policies.
Sociology Graduate Handbook
The Sociology Department Graduate Handbook contains rules, procedures, and suggestions for completing the program. Faculty members and enrolled students should use it as a guide, together with the Graduate Handbook. Because it is addressed mainly to the questions graduate students ask, it is written as if it were being read by a student.
Recent Ph.D. Placements
Please click on the link above for information about where our most recent graduates have found positions.
Feel free to e-mail our faculty and/or graduate students for interest-related questions.