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Colloquium Series: Jocelyn Viterna, Harvard

Hamilton Hall 271

How (Failed) Movements Matter: Abortion, Incarceration, and the Institutionalization of Movement Outcomes in Central America In Latin America, a counter-revolutionary backlash has produced new laws that constitutionalize fetal personhood, criminalize medically necessary abortions, and prosecute women who have stillbirths as murderers.  … Read more

Colloquium Series: Didem Turkoglu

Hamilton Hall 271

As Tuition Rises: Opposition to the Neoliberalization of Higher Education Over the past two decades, every country in the OECD has tried to raise tuitions for public universities. Not all of these proposals succeeded. Opposition arose and in half of … Read more

Colloquium Series: Joseph Bongiovi

Hamilton Hall 271

"Hammer and Anvil:  Institutionalization of Private Security" Although outsourcing and privatization are becoming more prevalent, it is still surprising that this has extended to a military and security arena previously considered to be the monopoly of the state.  Private military and security … Read more

Colloquium Series: Shane Elliot

Hamilton Hall 271

Consuming Craft: The Intersection of Production and Consumption in Craft Beer Markets of North Carolina

Colloquium Series: Daniel Laurison

Hamilton Hall 271

The Class Ceiling: The Culture of Firms and the Class-Origin Pay Gap in Elite Occupations   Work on the intergenerational transmission of class advantages and disadvantages tends to focus on the question of “getting in” – the ways that family, … Read more

Colloquium Series: Jeremy Moulton

Chiseling a Notch Out of the Next Generation’s Assets: The Effect of the Social Security Notch on Intergenerational Transfers